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The Maronites in History

Second Edition

In making known the history of his people, Moosa brings the past to light for students and scholars of Christianity and the Middle East. This book offers hope for a community struggling to come to meaningful terms with itself in the midst of cultural upheaval.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 1-59333-182-7
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jun 1,2005
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 404
ISBN: 1-59333-182-7
$183.00 (USD)
Your price: $109.80 (USD)
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The Maronites in History addresses what author Matti Moosa identifies as a Maronite crisis of identity in the Lebanese cultural context. Offering a historical perspective on the whole of Maronite heritage and culture, Moosa seeks to tell the relatively unknown story of one branch of the Syriac Christian tradition. In making known the history of his people, Moosa brings the past to light for students and scholars of the history of Christianity and the Middle East, and offers hope in troubled times for a community struggling to come to meaningful terms with itself in the midst of cultural upheaval.

The Maronites in History addresses what author Matti Moosa identifies as a Maronite crisis of identity in the Lebanese cultural context. Offering a historical perspective on the whole of Maronite heritage and culture, Moosa seeks to tell the relatively unknown story of one branch of the Syriac Christian tradition. In making known the history of his people, Moosa brings the past to light for students and scholars of the history of Christianity and the Middle East, and offers hope in troubled times for a community struggling to come to meaningful terms with itself in the midst of cultural upheaval.

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Matti Moosa, a native of Mosul, Iraq, and an American citizen since 1965, held a Law degree from Baghdad Law School, Iraq, a United Nations Diploma of Merit from the University of Wales in Swansea, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Middle Eastern history and culture from Columbia University in New York City. His publications include The Origins of Modern Arabic Fiction, 1983, 2nd ed., (1997) The Maronites in History (1986), translated into Arabic under the title Al-Mawarina fi al-Tarikh (Damascus, 2004), Extremist Shiites: the Ghulat Sects (1988); The Early Novels of Naguib Mahfouz: Images of Modern Egypt (1994); The Crusades: Conflict between Christendom and Islam (2008) and many other translated books. He has also contributed numerous articles on Middle Eastern history and culture to leading periodicals. Dr Moosa passed away in 2014.

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Origin of the Term Maronite
  • The Identity of the Ascetic Marun
  • The Monastery of Marun
  • Earliest Sources on the Monastery of Marun
  • Maronite Claims and Sixth-Century Epistolary Documents
  • The Council of Constantinople of A.D. 536 and the Letter of the Monks of Syria Secunda to Pope Hormisda
  • The Maronites and Saint Simon the Stylite
  • Peter the Fuller and the Trisagion Dispute
  • Signatories to the Letters of the Monks to Pope Hormisda and Related Documents from the Council
  • The Maronites and the Letters of the Monks from Syria Secunda
  • Were the Monks of the Monastery of Marun Chalcedonians?
  • Heraclius and the Monothelitic Formula of Faith
  • The Malkites, the Maronites, and the Sixth Council
  • Establishment of the Maronites as a Separate Church
  • Who is John Marun?
  • John Marun: Was He a Patriarch of Antioch?
  • John Marun's Writings
  • Was John Marun a Canonized Saint?
  • The Relation of the Maronites to the Mardaites and the Jarajima
  • The Maronites and Monothelitic
  • The Relations of the Maronites to the Church of Rome
  • The Mission of Fra Gryphon and Other Franciscans to the Maronites
  • The Mission of Giovanni Battista Eliano to the Maronites
  • The Mission of Jerome Dandini to the Maronites
  • The Latinization of the Maronite Church
  • The Maronites in Modern Time
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