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The Modern Muslim World

The Modern Muslim World provides a platform for scholarly research on Islamic and Muslim thought and history, emerging from any geographic area within the expansive Muslim world and dated to any period from the beginning of the modern period onwards. Of particular interest to the series are studies that trace the intellectual and historical impact of modern texts and thinkers on the contemporary world. Within this context, submissions are also welcome on Muslim diaspora. Authors are invited to submit proposals for original monographs, translations and edited volumes related to these broad areas of research. For more information about the series or to submit a proposal, please contact

Series Editorial Board

Professor Hina Azam (The University of Texas at Austin)

Professor Marcia Hermansen (Chair) (Loyola University Chicago)

Professor Ussaama Makdisi (Rice University)

Professor Martin Nguyen (Fairfield University)

Professor Joas Wagemakers (Utrecht University)

Series Advisory Board

Professor Ebrahim Moosa (University of Notre Dame)

Professor Talal Asad (City University of New York)

Professor Islam Dayeh (Freie Universität Berlin)

Dr Rana Hisham Issa (University of Oslo)

Professor Adam Talib (Durham University)

Professor Marwa Elshakry (Columbia University)

Professor Khaled M. Abou El Fadl (University of California, Los Angeles)

Professor Aslı Niyazioğlu (University of Oxford)

Dr Amira K. Bennison (University of Cambridge)

Professor Armando Salvatore (McGill University)

Professor Tijana Krstic (Central European University)

Professor Adam Sabra (University of California, Santa Barbara)

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Picture of Ottoman Architecture

Ottoman Architecture

A Study Published for the 1873 Vienna World’s Fair
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4170-4
Ottoman Architecture is the first modern history of Ottoman architecture written by Ottomans themselves, yet it is little known outside the field of late Ottoman studies. This magnificently-illustrated volume codifies the empire’s architectural history into a series of preliminary stages culminating in the efflorescence of the Ottoman classical tradition in the sixteenth-century.
$131.00 (USD) $78.60 (USD)
Picture of Entangled Confessionalizations?

Entangled Confessionalizations?

Dialogic Perspectives on the Politics of Piety and Community Building in the Ottoman Empire, 15th-18th Centuries
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4357-9
This volume explores the emergence of discourses of orthodoxy and orthopraxy in the Ottoman Empire between the 15th and 18th centuries, through empirical studies on confessional dynamics in early modern Muslim, Christian and Jewish sources.
$195.00 (USD) $117.00 (USD)
Picture of Islamic Jurisprudence and the Role of Custom

Islamic Jurisprudence and the Role of Custom

A Comparative Case Study of Saudi Arabia and Iran
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4351-7
An analysis of the connection between Islamic law (sharīʿa) and custom (ʿurf), identifying the ways in which personal and social issues are treated within contemporary Saudi and Iranian legal approaches. Approaches adopted by Saudi-Ḥanbalī and Iranian-Jaʿfarī scholars towards the sharʿī status of ʿurf in three particular categories are examined; the methodological perspective (classic and contemporary), the sharʿī opinions of scholars (fatwā) and the court verdicts of judges (aḥkām). The interaction between custom and textual authority is emphasised, developing an analytical framework of shar‘ī rules that pertain to social relations in general and marital issues in particular.
$120.00 (USD) $72.00 (USD)
Picture of Islam before Modernity

Islam before Modernity

Aḥmad al-Dardīr and the Preservation of Traditional Knowledge
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4380-7
This book examines the role of tradition and discursive knowledge transmission on the formation of the ‘ulamā’, the learned scholarly class in Islam, and their approach to the articulation of the Islamic disciplines. This book argues that a useful framework for evaluating the intellectual contributions of post-classical scholars such as Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Dardīr involves preserving, upholding, and maintaining the Islamic tradition, including the intellectual “sub-traditions” that came to define it.
$130.00 (USD) $78.00 (USD)
Picture of Bethlehem's Syriac Christians (paperback)

Bethlehem's Syriac Christians (paperback)

Self, nation and church in dialogue and practice
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4282-4
An anthropological study of Syriac Orthodox Christian identity in a time of displacement, upheaval, and conflict. For some Syriac Orthodox Christians in Bethlehem, their self-articulation - the means by which they connect themselves to others, things, places and symbols - is decisively influenced by their eucharistic ritual. This ritual connects being siryāni to a redeemed community or 'body', and derives its identity in large part from the Incarnation of God as an Aramaic-speaking Bethlehemite.
$60.00 (USD) $36.00 (USD)
Picture of The Two-Edged Sea

The Two-Edged Sea

Heterotopias of Contemporary Mediterranean Migrant Literature
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4372-2
Much Mediterranean migrant literature captures the Mediterranean’s fossilized binaries, North and South. But, The Two-Edged Sea also reveals that one inheres within the other. While the book explores two Mediterraneans, with asymmetrical power relations that reflect the sea’s northern and southern shores, it also delves into how they have been in dialogue with each other, effectively deconstructing the binary. Charting undocumented journeys from the Mediterranean’s southern shores, the book contributes both to discourse on migration literature and the current resurgence of the study of seas, while advancing the idea of the Mediterranean as both a dividing border and unifying contact zone.
$112.00 (USD) $67.20 (USD)