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The Roman Empire during the Severan Dynasty

Case Studies in History, Art, Architecture, Economy and Literature

Guest Editor Eric C. De Sena
This volume contains 20 peer-reviewed papers highlighting historical, social and cultural episodes, conditions, and trends of the Empire during the reign of Septimius Severus, the last great emperor to lead the Romans prior to the third century crisis.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-59333-838-1
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jun 4,2013
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 590
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-59333-838-1
$225.00 (USD)
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This volume of AJAH contains 20 peer-reviewed papers delivered at the conference “The Roman Empire during the Severan Dynasty,” organized by John Cabot University's Programs in Classical Studies and Art History (April 15–16, 2011). The conference commemorated the 1800th anniversary of the demise of Septimius Severus, the last great emperor to lead the Romans prior to the third century crisis.

The papers highlight the historical, social and cultural episodes, conditions, and trends of the Empire at this time: Mark Gradoni, Parthian Campaigns of the Severan Emperors: Imperial Policy and Parthian Military Potency, 193–224 CE.; E.T. Walters, Unitas ex Africa: were Tertullian and Cyprian of Carthage unwitting architects of both Imperial and Church unification?; Jean-Paul Petit and Sara Santoro, Lo sviluppo del vicus Bliesbruck (Moselle, France) agli inizi del III sec. d.C. e la vitalità della Gallia Belgica mosellana nell’epoca dei Severi; Alice Dazzi, Water works and monuments in the Severan Age: some considerations; Jens Koehler, More water for Rome: nothing new in the Eternal City? Aqueducts, fountains and baths of the Severan Emperor; Simone Rambaldi, L’attività edilizia romana a destinazione pubblica fra i Severi e i Soldatenkaiser: trasformazioni e continuità; Müjde Turkmen-Peker, A note on the architectural decoration of the Severan period in Pamphylia and Cilicia; Giancarlo Germanà, Some observations on Sicily during the Severan Dynasty; Paola Puppo, Vestigia architettoniche del periodo di Settimio Severo in Tunisia; Ottavio Bucarelli, Il c.d. tempio di Serapide sul Quirinale. Topografia e archeologia dall’antichità al medioevo; Ivo Topalilov, The origo of the Thracian Praetorians in the time of Severans; Eszter Harsanyi, La ceramica a vernice nera di Treviri: un prodotto di lusso nella Pannonia durante l’epoca severiana; Edoardo Radaelli, Analisi di un riempimento fognario di età severiana dalle cosiddette “Terme di Elagabalo” a Roma; Lucia Afonso, Baetican oil and Septimius Severus; José Carlos Quaresma, Economic growth in the early and middle Imperial periods, pre-200 AD: an economic approach from a peripheral province, Lusitania; Daniele Malfitana, Carmela Franco, and Annarita Di Mauro, Economy and trade of Sicily during Severan period: highlights between archaeology and history; Florian Leitmeir, Between tradition and innovation: the visual representation of Severan Emperors; Andrea Gariboldi, Elagabalo invictus sacerdos: l’imperatore fanciullo e la centralizzazione del sacro attraverso lo specchio delle monete; Stephan Faust, Ideological messages and local preferences: the imagery of the Severan Arch at Lepcis Magna; Maria Lloyd, The Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman forum: a re-consideration.

Eric De Sena taught ancient art and archaeology at John Cabot University (2003–2012) and currently directs the American Research Center in Sofia. His research focuses upon Roman cities and the Roman economy. De Sena has served on many archaeological missions in Italy, including the Palatine East Project, the Anglo-American Pompeii Project, the AAR/DAI Ostia Project and the Sangro Valley Project. He is co-director of the Porolissum Forum Project in Romania.

This volume of AJAH contains 20 peer-reviewed papers delivered at the conference “The Roman Empire during the Severan Dynasty,” organized by John Cabot University's Programs in Classical Studies and Art History (April 15–16, 2011). The conference commemorated the 1800th anniversary of the demise of Septimius Severus, the last great emperor to lead the Romans prior to the third century crisis.

The papers highlight the historical, social and cultural episodes, conditions, and trends of the Empire at this time: Mark Gradoni, Parthian Campaigns of the Severan Emperors: Imperial Policy and Parthian Military Potency, 193–224 CE.; E.T. Walters, Unitas ex Africa: were Tertullian and Cyprian of Carthage unwitting architects of both Imperial and Church unification?; Jean-Paul Petit and Sara Santoro, Lo sviluppo del vicus Bliesbruck (Moselle, France) agli inizi del III sec. d.C. e la vitalità della Gallia Belgica mosellana nell’epoca dei Severi; Alice Dazzi, Water works and monuments in the Severan Age: some considerations; Jens Koehler, More water for Rome: nothing new in the Eternal City? Aqueducts, fountains and baths of the Severan Emperor; Simone Rambaldi, L’attività edilizia romana a destinazione pubblica fra i Severi e i Soldatenkaiser: trasformazioni e continuità; Müjde Turkmen-Peker, A note on the architectural decoration of the Severan period in Pamphylia and Cilicia; Giancarlo Germanà, Some observations on Sicily during the Severan Dynasty; Paola Puppo, Vestigia architettoniche del periodo di Settimio Severo in Tunisia; Ottavio Bucarelli, Il c.d. tempio di Serapide sul Quirinale. Topografia e archeologia dall’antichità al medioevo; Ivo Topalilov, The origo of the Thracian Praetorians in the time of Severans; Eszter Harsanyi, La ceramica a vernice nera di Treviri: un prodotto di lusso nella Pannonia durante l’epoca severiana; Edoardo Radaelli, Analisi di un riempimento fognario di età severiana dalle cosiddette “Terme di Elagabalo” a Roma; Lucia Afonso, Baetican oil and Septimius Severus; José Carlos Quaresma, Economic growth in the early and middle Imperial periods, pre-200 AD: an economic approach from a peripheral province, Lusitania; Daniele Malfitana, Carmela Franco, and Annarita Di Mauro, Economy and trade of Sicily during Severan period: highlights between archaeology and history; Florian Leitmeir, Between tradition and innovation: the visual representation of Severan Emperors; Andrea Gariboldi, Elagabalo invictus sacerdos: l’imperatore fanciullo e la centralizzazione del sacro attraverso lo specchio delle monete; Stephan Faust, Ideological messages and local preferences: the imagery of the Severan Arch at Lepcis Magna; Maria Lloyd, The Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman forum: a re-consideration.

Eric De Sena taught ancient art and archaeology at John Cabot University (2003–2012) and currently directs the American Research Center in Sofia. His research focuses upon Roman cities and the Roman economy. De Sena has served on many archaeological missions in Italy, including the Palatine East Project, the Anglo-American Pompeii Project, the AAR/DAI Ostia Project and the Sangro Valley Project. He is co-director of the Porolissum Forum Project in Romania.

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EricDe Sena

Director of the American Research Center in Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Table of Contents (page 5)
  • Editor's Note (page 9)
  • Introduction (page 11)
  • Severan History and Literature (page 17)
  • The Parthian Campaigns of Septimius Severus: Causes and Roles in Dynamic Legitimation (Mark K. Gradoni) (page 19)
  • "Unitas ex Africa: Was Tertullian the Origo of Imperial Unification?" ( E. T. Walters) (page 41)
  • Urban Transformations During the Severan Period (page 83)
  • La Galla Mosellana nell'eta dei Severi: il caso del Vicus di Bliesbruck (Jean-Paul Petit; Sara Santoro) (page 85)
  • Water Works and and Monuments in Gaul in the Severan Age: Some Considerations (Alice Dazzi) (page 111)
  • More Water for Rome: Nothing New in the Eternal City? Water-Related Monuments as Part of the Severan Building Program (Jens Koehler) (page 133)
  • A Note on the Architectural Decoration of the Severan Period in Pamphylia and Cilicia (Muide Turkmen-Peker) (page 167)
  • L'Attivita edilizia a destinazione pubblica fra i Severi e i Soldatenkaiser: continuita e trasformazioni (Simone Rambaldi) (page 189)
  • Il Tempio di Serapide sul Quirinale: note di archeologia e topografia tra Antichira e Medioevo (Ottavio Bucarelli) (page 223)
  • Alcune osservazioni sulla Sicilia durante il periodo dei Severi (Giancarlo Germana) (page 243)
  • Vestigia architettoniche del periodo di Settimio Severo in Tunisia (Paola Puppo) (page 271)
  • Aspects of Society and Economy During the Severan Period (page 301)
  • The Origo of the Thracian Praetorians in the Time of Severans (Ivo Topalilov) (page 303)
  • Un riempimento fognario di eta Severiana dalle cosiddette "Terme di Elagabalo" a Roma (Edoardo Radaelli) (page 317)
  • La ceramica ad ingobbiatura nera di Treviri - una merce costosa in Pannonia durante l'epoca Severiana (Eszter Harsanyi) (page 357)
  • Baetican Oil and Septimius Severus (Lucia Alfonso) (page 377)
  • Economic Growth in the Early and Middle Imperial Periods, Pre-200 AD: an Economic Approach from a Peripheral Hispanic Province, Lusitania (Jose Carlos Quaresma) (page 393)
  • Severan Art and Ideology (page 479)
  • Between Tradition and Innovation - the Visual Representation of Severan Emperors (Florian Leitmeir) (page 481)
  • Ideological Messages and Local Preferences: the Imagery of the Severan Arch at Lepcis Magna (Stephan Faust) (page 509)
  • Elagabalo invictus sacerdos: l'imperatore fanciullo e la centralizzazione del sacro attraverso lo specchio delle monete (Andrea Gariboldi) (page 531)
  • The Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman Forum: a Re-Consideration (Maria Lloyd) (page 557)