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Titus von Bostra

Studien zu dessen Lukashomilien

The standard edition of the surviving fragments, and one palimpsest, of this polemical bishop's writings on Luke and Daniel.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-368-2
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 12,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 276
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-368-2
$96.00 (USD)
Your price: $57.60 (USD)
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Titus, the late fourth century bishop of Bostra (now Bosra) in Syria was renowned for his conflicts with the Manichees (and with the Emperor Julian). This is the standard edition of the surviving fragments of his commentary on Luke as recorded by other theologians, and an appendix containing the sole palimpsest. It also contains the remains of his commentary on Daniel.

Titus, the late fourth century bishop of Bostra (now Bosra) in Syria was renowned for his conflicts with the Manichees (and with the Emperor Julian). This is the standard edition of the surviving fragments of his commentary on Luke as recorded by other theologians, and an appendix containing the sole palimpsest. It also contains the remains of his commentary on Daniel.

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  • Vorwort (page 5)
  • INHALT (page 8)
  • Untersuchungen: I. Nachrichten uber Titus von Bostra (page 9)
  • II. Die Streitschrift gegen die Manichaer (page 18)
  • III. Der Pseudotituskommentar zum Lukasevangelium (page 24)
  • IV. Katenenfragmente des Titus von Bostra (page 49)
  • V. Echtheit der Katenenfragmente des Titus von Bostra (page 87)
  • VI. Titus von Bostra als Exeget des Lukasevangeliums (page 116)
  • VII. Benutzung der Lukashomilien des Titus von Bostra in spateren Evangelienkommentaren (page 126)
  • VIII. Titusfragmente aus Danielkatenen (page 138)
  • IX. Unechte Homilie des Titus von Bostra auf den Palmsonntag (page 142)
  • X. Unechte Erklarung der Parabeln vom ungerechten Richter und vom Pharisaer und Zollner (page 145)
  • XI. Syrische und koptische Titusfragmente (page 146)
  • Texte: A. Lukasscholien (page 148)
  • B. Danielscholien (page 254)
  • Anhang: Ein Palimpsest von Lukashomilien, wahrscheinlich des Titus (page 258)
  • Indices: I. Personen-und Sachregister (page 268)
  • II. Verzeichnis der benutzten oder angefuhrten Handschriften (page 271)
  • III. Verzeichnis der Schriftstellen (page 273)
  • IV. Sprachliches (page 275)
  • Berichtigungen (page 276)
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