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Turath: The Arabic and Islamic Literary Tradition

Turāth (Arabic for “heritage”) is a textual series of the Arabic and Islamic tradition. The books reproduced here are chosen from the best original editions possible. The series covers a wide range of subject including, but not limited to, literature, theology, law, and history.

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Philosophie und Theologie

ISBN: 978-1-61719-011-7
In this translation based on the original Arabic text, Averroes defends the compatibility of philosophical investigation and Islam.
$154.00 (USD) $92.40 (USD)

Tabaqat-I Nasiri

By Uthman ibn Siraj al Din Juzjani; Edited with an Introduction by W. Nassau Lees
ISBN: 978-1-61719-816-8
Tabaqat-I Nasiri is an Islamic universal history, from Adam to the historian's own time, about 1260. Particularly valuable on the Mongols and on the Sultanate of Delhi
$200.00 (USD) $120.00 (USD)

Anthologie grammaticale arabe

Morceaux choisis de divers Grammariens et Scholiates arabes
Translated and Annotated by A. I. Silvestre de Sacy
ISBN: 978-1-61719-751-2
An anthology of Arab writings on language and grammar, in the original Arabic with French translation and notes.
$260.00 (USD) $156.00 (USD)


ISBN: 978-1-61719-002-5
The life and work of al-Ghazali, published for the Christian Literature Society of India. Bibligraphic appendix of Egyptian publications on and by al-Ghazali.
$118.00 (USD) $70.80 (USD)

The Divans of the Six Ancient Arabic Poets

Ennabiga, Antara, Tharafa, Zuhair, Alqama and Imruulqais
ISBN: 978-1-59333-998-2
This collection of the Divans of Ennabiga, Antara, Tharafa, Zuhair, Alqama, and Imruulqais is a rare find. Among the earliest known writers of Arabic poetry, these authors are essential components of Arabic history and literature. This study, long out of print, is the acknowledged starting point for the study of these poets. Their Divans are presented in Arabic, along with a substantial introduction by Ahlwardt, a list of variant readings and corrections, considerations of discrepancies in the manuscripts, and appendices of the fragments.
$175.00 (USD) $105.00 (USD)