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Vier pseudojustinische Schiften

als Eigentum Diodors nachgewiesen

By Diodorus of Tarsus; Edited and Translated by Adolf Harnack
Four debates between the Christians and the Greeks on philosophy and theology;they come down to us among the works of Justin, but written by Diodorus of Tarsus.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-371-2
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 12,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 257
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-371-2
$91.00 (USD)
Your price: $54.60 (USD)
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The Replies to the True Believers on Certain Necessary Questions, Greek Questions to the Christians about Unembodiment, God and the Resurrection of the Dead (with the Christian answers), The Christian Questions to the Greeks (with the Greek answere, and the Refutation of Incorrect Answers) and the Confutation of Certain Teachings of Aristotle are the Christian side of the philosophical debate between Christians and pagans. They have come down to us among the works of Justin, but cannot be his; Prof. Harnack gives reasons to assign them to the strpngly anti-Eutychian bishop Diodorus of Tarsus.

The Replies to the True Believers on Certain Necessary Questions, Greek Questions to the Christians about Unembodiment, God and the Resurrection of the Dead (with the Christian answers), The Christian Questions to the Greeks (with the Greek answere, and the Refutation of Incorrect Answers) and the Confutation of Certain Teachings of Aristotle are the Christian side of the philosophical debate between Christians and pagans. They have come down to us among the works of Justin, but cannot be his; Prof. Harnack gives reasons to assign them to the strpngly anti-Eutychian bishop Diodorus of Tarsus.

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Diodorus of Tarsus


  • Inhalt (page 5)
  • 1. Die Uberlieferung der Quaestiones et Responsiones ad orthodoxos (page 7)
  • 2. Die bisher aufgestellten Ansichten uber den Ursprung der Quaestiones et Responsiones ad orthodoxos (page 14)
  • 3. Die Einheit und Integritat der Quastiones und Responsiones (page 21)
  • 4. Der Interlocutor und der Verfasser (page 24)
  • 5. Die Abfassungszeit des Buches (page 26)
  • 6. Der Abfassungsort des Buches (page 35)
  • 7. Der Verfasser des Buchs (page 39)
  • 8. Vergleichung der "Quastiones" mit den sonst bekannten Fragmenten Diodors (page 50)
  • 9. Die "Quaestiones Gentilium ad Christianos" und die "Quaestiones Christianorum ad Gentiles" (page 52)
  • 10. Die "Confutatio dogmatum Aristotelis" (page 58)
  • 11. Die in den vier Schriften benutzten Bucher und die Bibel des Verfassers (page 60)
  • I. Antworten an die Orthodoxen auf einige notwendige Fragen (page 75)
  • II. Hellenische Fragen an die Christen uber das Unkorperliche und uber Gott und uber die Auferstehung der Toten (page 167)
  • III. [Christliche Fragen an die Hellenen samt den Antworten der Hellenen und der Duplik] (page 188)
  • IV. Aus der "Widerlegung einiger aristotelischer Lehren" (page 231)
  • Schlussausfuhrung (page 237)
  • Anhang: Die Expositio rectae fidei (page 248)
  • Index zu den Quaestiones et Responsiones (page 255)