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Willi Heffening

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Zwei altertümliche Litaneien aus dem Paschabuch der koptischen Kirche

By Willi Heffening; In Collaboration With Anton Baumstark
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 513
ISBN: 978-1-60724-992-4
Willi Heffening publishes a German translation of two litanies that are preserved only in a Paschal book from the Coptic Church. Heffening also includes an introduction and supplements the translation with critical notes.
$37.00 (USD) $22.20 (USD)

Die griechische Ephraem-Paraenesis gegen das Lachen in arabischer Übersetzung

Edited and Translated by Willi Heffening
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 464
ISBN: 978-1-60724-917-7
Willi Heffening publishes here the Arabic version of the “sermon against laughter” attributed to Ephrem. Heffening accompanies the Arabic text with a brief introduction, a German translation, and a critical apparatus with variants from the Greek version.
$37.00 (USD) $22.20 (USD)

Eine arabische Versio der zweiten Paraenesis des Johannes Chrysostomos an den Mönch Theodoros

Translation and Introduction by Willi Heffening
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 461
ISBN: 978-1-60724-914-6
In the present study, Willi Heffening presents a German translation of two sermons by Chrysostom on the subject of the monk Theodore preserved in Arabic. The text is also extant in Greek, but the Arabic version contains several unique features.
$37.00 (USD) $22.20 (USD)