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Zwei Gnostische Hymnen

Edited and Translated by Erwin Preuschen
Erwin Preuschen published here the text and translation of two early Gnostic hymns in the Syriac tradition and then discusses the content of the hymns and their implications for our understanding of early Syriac Christianity.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61143-597-9
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 5,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Page Count: 84
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61143-597-9
$146.00 (USD)
Your price: $87.60 (USD)
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Erwin Preuschen provides here a study of two “Gnostic” hymns found in Syriac translations. For the first hymn, Preuschen presents both a Greek and Syriac text, along with German translations of each, and the text of the second, longer hymn is presented in Syriac with translation. Following the presentation and translation of these texts, Preuschen offers an in depth analysis of the content of each hymn. Prueschen concludes the study with a more general discussion of what these hymns mean for early Syriac-speaking Christianity—particularly as it applies to the form of Christianity practiced by the followers of Bardaisan.

Erwin Preuschen provides here a study of two “Gnostic” hymns found in Syriac translations. For the first hymn, Preuschen presents both a Greek and Syriac text, along with German translations of each, and the text of the second, longer hymn is presented in Syriac with translation. Following the presentation and translation of these texts, Preuschen offers an in depth analysis of the content of each hymn. Prueschen concludes the study with a more general discussion of what these hymns mean for early Syriac-speaking Christianity—particularly as it applies to the form of Christianity practiced by the followers of Bardaisan.

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  • Vorwort (page 7)
  • Inhalt: (page 8)
  • Einleitung: (page 9)
  • Text (page 14)
  • I: Der erste Hymnus: (page 32)
  • II: Der zweite Hymnus: (page 49)
  • III: Die Wurzeln dieses Glaubens und seine Auslaufer: (page 63)
  • IV: Bardesanes und das Christentum der Hymnen: (page 77)
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