Anna Regourd reached Yemen for the first time in 1992. Her initial fieldwork was on divination and magic, a theme at the intersection of textual studies and anthropology, “texts in practices and practices in text.” This was her first contact with manuscripts in Yemen. In 2001 she became the scientific director of the Program for Safeguarding Manuscripts of Private Libraries in Zabid, a cooperative program based on the training of a Zabidi team. She directed the compilation of four catalogs of Yemeni manuscripts, one of them on digitized watermarked papers (2008). When the war between the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Houthis started in 2015, she organized and took part in numerous events to draw attention to the endangered heritage of Yemen. She has published extensively on Yemeni manuscripts and codicology, including The Trade in Papers with Non-Latin Characters (Leiden: Brill, 2018). She has been the director of the online journal Nouvelles Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen, originally the Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen, since 2006.