Hassan Ansari is a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, NJ). He received his PhD from EPHE (Sorbonne-Paris) in Islamic studies. Prior to EPHE, he studied Arabic literature, Qurʾanic exegesis and hadith, Islamic theology, philosophy, mysticism, and law in Qom and Tehran. He has published various books and many articles in Persian, Arabic, French, and English, including L’imamat et l’occultation selon l’imamisme: Étudebibliographique et histoire des textes (Leiden: Brill, 2017); Studies in Medieval Islamic Intellectual Traditions (with Sabine Schmidtke; Atlanta: Lockwood Press, 2017); Al-Šarīf al-Murtaḍā’s Oeuvre and Thought in Context: An Archaeological Inquiry into Texts and Their Transmission (with Sabine Schmidtke; Cordoba: UCOPress, 2022); and Caliphate and Imamate: Selected Political Works from the Islamic Tradition (with Nebil Husayn; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).