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Jacobus Kok

Prof. Dr. Dr. Jacobus (Kobus) Kok is Head of Department New Testament Studies and Co-Director of the Research Center for Early Christianity at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven in Belgium and Professor Extraordinarius and NRF B3 rated scholar at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.

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Picture of Let God Be True

Let God Be True

Perspectives on Romans 3
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4499-6
Romans 3 is a treasure trove of theological riches, a thematic junction where nearly every major theme in this complex epistle emerges. Yet for this same reason, exegetically it is one of the most notoriously difficult passages in the New Testament. The focused and interdisciplinary approach to this one particular chapter in Romans allows for greater depth of research than is generally possible in commentaries, and the variety of methodological approaches employed shines light from different angles to bring out the numerous facets of these verses. Those who write commentaries or do research on Romans, and especially on Romans 3, will find in this book a wealth of information. Likewise, it will be of value to students in advanced exegetical classes and to those doing postgraduate research on Romans 3 and related topics.
$114.95 (USD) $68.97 (USD)
Picture of On Knowing God

On Knowing God

Interdisciplinary Theological Perspectives
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4462-0
This book explores the concept of Knowing God and the Knowability of God from an interdisciplinary theological perspective. Approaching the issue from the perspectives of their respective theological disciplines, contributors reflect on what it means to know God, how people of faith have sought to know God in the past, and indeed whether, and to what extent, such knowledge is even possible.
$99.00 (USD) $59.40 (USD)

Insiders versus Outsiders

Exploring the Dynamic Relationship Between Mission and Ethos in the New Testament
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0257-6
Christianity as a movement developed within the already established, but volatile Jewish movement/religion, expressing a profound sense of inclusivism illustrated in the transcendence of social boundaries. In this book the dynamic reality of creating and transcending boundaries and the relationship between insiders and outsiders are explored by way of reflecting on mission and ethos.
$158.00 (USD) $94.80 (USD)