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Kiraz Theological Archive

The Kiraz Theological Archive brings back to active circulation carefully selected rare classics which are essentials for the shelves of every theological library. The selections include tools for scholars, but also general theological works of interest to general readers.

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The Book of Adam and Eve

A Book of the Early Eastern Church
Translation and Introduction by S. C. Malan
ISBN: 978-1-61143-830-7
This work narrates the history of the world from Adam to Jesus, presented in an English translation of Ethiopic and Coptic manuscripts. This exclusive translation of rare sources is recommended for readers interested in comparative religion, Oriental Orthodoxy, and biblical studies.
$182.00 (USD) $109.20 (USD)

The Bazaar of Heracleides

By Nestorius; Translation and Introduction by G. R. Driver & Leonard Hodgson
ISBN: 978-1-61143-472-9
Dialogue by Nestorius, Archbishop of Constantinople, vindicating his theology and his actions; translated from the manuscript of the Syriac translation discovered in 1889.
$219.00 (USD) $131.40 (USD)

The Diatessaron of Tatian

ISBN: 978-1-61143-357-9
Samuel Hemphill provides an English translation of the reconstructed text of The Diatessaron using the Arabic translation and Ephrem’s commentary.
$117.00 (USD) $70.20 (USD)

From Jerusalem to Nicea

The Church in the First Three Centuries
ISBN: 978-1-61143-354-8
This volume includes the text of the Lowell Lectures delivered by Philip Moxom on various topics in early Christian history.
$196.00 (USD) $117.60 (USD)

Le Mouvement Baptiste

en Palestine et Syrie (150 av. J.-C. - 300 ap. J.-C.)
ISBN: 978-1-61719-678-2
This book explores baptism in the ancient world, the sects which practiced it, their history, origins, characters, diversity, and influences.
$202.00 (USD) $121.20 (USD)

L'Hellénisme et l'Apôtre Paul

ISBN: 978-1-61719-663-8
This book examines Paul as a hybrid of both Jewish and early Christian traditions meeting at the crossroads of a commonly-shared Hellenistic culture.
$174.00 (USD) $104.40 (USD)

Prophetae Chaldaice

e fide codicis reuchliniani
Edited by Paul de Lagarde
ISBN: 978-1-61719-054-4
This eastern Aramaic translation of the Old Testament contains one section of Paul de Lagarde's critical edition of the Babylonian Targum.
$217.00 (USD) $130.20 (USD)

Epistulae Novi Testamenti Coptice

Edited by Paul de Lagarde
ISBN: 978-1-61719-048-3
Distinguished biblical scholar Paul de Lagarde provides an annotated Coptic version of the New Testament arranged by the General Epistles, preceding Pauline Epistles, and concluding with Philemon. Titles and references are in Latin.
$154.00 (USD) $92.40 (USD)

Apologie des Aristides

By Aristides of Athens; Translated and Annotated by Richard Raabe
ISBN: 978-1-61719-363-7
In this second-century defense of Christianity, Athenian philosopher Aristides explains to the Emperor why the Christian way of worship is the only philosophically adequate one.
$115.00 (USD) $69.00 (USD)

The Mind of the Master

ISBN: 978-1-61719-262-3
These fifteen essays by a Presbyterian clergyman are devoted to the personality of Jesus,
$168.00 (USD) $100.80 (USD)

The Resurrection of Our Lord

Croall Lectures, 1879-80, revised and expanded
ISBN: 978-1-61719-261-6
The historicity, testimony, and importance of the Resurrection, by the Professor of Theology at Aberdeen.
$167.00 (USD) $100.20 (USD)

Atonement and Personality

ISBN: 978-1-61719-260-9
The essential presence of the personality of Christ in the Atonement, by the Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at Oxford; with a historical sketch of the doctrine.
$193.00 (USD) $115.80 (USD)

System of Christian Theology

ISBN: 978-1-61719-227-2
Henry Boynton Smith presents a complete manual of Christian theology from the perspective of an anti-Unitarian Congregationalist.
$241.00 (USD) $144.60 (USD)

Catenae in Evangelia Aegyptiacae quae supersunt

Edited by Paul de Lagarde
ISBN: 978-1-61719-017-9
Catena on selected passages from the Gospels, from Eusebius of Caesarea and others.
$146.00 (USD) $87.60 (USD)

Constitutiones Apostolorum

Apostolic Constitutions
Edited by Paul de Lagarde
ISBN: 978-1-61719-016-2
Apostolic Constitutions, as edited by Paul de Lagarde, who corrects the Greek text extensively from the Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic and Coptic translations.
$158.00 (USD) $94.80 (USD)

Against the Manichaeans

With the Letters of Pope Julius I and the Kata meros pistis of Gregory the Thaumaturge
ISBN: 978-1-61719-010-0
This volume contains the Greek and Syriac versions of the Contra Manicheos by Titus, Bishop of Bostra, as well as the letters of Pope Julius I and a brief expostion of the Christian faith by Gregory the Thaumaturge.
$164.00 (USD) $98.40 (USD)

The Moors in Spain

By Stanley Lane-Poole; In Collaboration With Arthur Gilman
ISBN: 978-1-60724-320-5
Taking his interest in the Islamic conquest to its northwestern frontier, Lane-Pool here considers the history of the Moors in Spain. The famous battles and their various outcomes are recorded. A gripping account for students of history, this treatment of the Islamic presence in Europe is a solid piece of research that has stood the test of time.
$160.00 (USD) $96.00 (USD)

The Life of Jesus, the Christ

Earlier Scenes
ISBN: 978-1-61719-259-3
This book concentrates on the life and teachings of Jesus, as related by the fashionable Gilded Age clergyman. As a crystallized sample of one sort of Victorian devotion, Beecher's book is full of miracles, scenery and sentiment, but devoid of systematic theology.
$215.00 (USD) $129.00 (USD)

Clementina; Recognitiones

The pseudo-Clementine Literature
ISBN: 978-1-61719-015-5
Two chief texts of the pseudo-Clementine literature: the Homilies in Greek, and the Recognitions in Syriac
$184.00 (USD) $110.40 (USD)

Saadi's Bostan aus dem Persischen übersetzt

Translated by Friedrich Rückert
ISBN: 978-1-60724-319-9
Considered one of the greatest works of the Sufi writers, Saadi’s Bostan (The Orchard) is an astounding poetic collection of wisdom that includes anecdotes, proverbs, and quotations that engage the rules of life and psychological observations of individual behavior. Saadi (or Abu Muslih bin Abdallah Shirazi, 1184 – 1283/1291?) was a Persian poet and traveler. Here Bostan is presented in German translation, the work of one of Germany’s great poets, Friedrich Rückert, who also had the distinction of being a professor of oriental languages. The lover of medieval poetry will find this supreme accomplishment of Persian poetry irresistible.
$157.00 (USD) $94.20 (USD)

Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judenthume Aufgenommen?

ISBN: 978-1-60724-308-3
Undertaking the classic question of the relationship of Islam to Judaism, Geiger begins his treatment with the intertwined questions of what Islam wishes to do, is able to do, and is permitted to do with Judaism. Concepts and opinions such as faith beliefs, moral and legal regulations, and concepts of life are all considered as they moved from Judaism to Islam. A well-regarded early work in the field of comparative religions, Geiger’s work is not to be missed by anyone with an interest in Judaism and its relationship to Islam.
$167.00 (USD) $100.20 (USD)

The Revival of Scholastic Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century

ISBN: 978-1-60724-298-7
Written in the period affected by the Neo-Scholastic movement in philosophy, Perrier’s well-known treatment of the subject is still ubiquitously cited. This handy resource lays out the premises of Scholasticism and traces its development up to the author’s time.
$170.00 (USD) $102.00 (USD)

Bible History

Containing the Most Remarkable Events of the Old and New Testaments
ISBN: 978-1-60724-278-9
Designed as a primer for Catholic children, this booklet became an historic fixture in American Catholic literature. Dividing the Bible into episodes easily understood by children, the author, Bishop Gilmour, explained in easy language, the Roman Catholic understanding of these stories. Wonderfully illustrated with classic woodcuts, this beguiling book also undertook to introduce the general overlay of church history to young readers.
$190.00 (USD) $114.00 (USD)

Modern Religious Cults and Movements

ISBN: 978-1-60724-296-3
A modern classic, Modern Religious Cults and Movements has continued to garner citations even after further investigation has continued to add to the literature on the subject. Atkins begins with the forms and backgrounds of what he considered the inevitable Catholic and Protestant traditions. This portrayal of non-traditional religions in its own day is a period piece that will be of interest to students of American religion and historians of religion in general.
$193.00 (USD) $115.80 (USD)

La Religion a Rome sous les Sévères

ISBN: 978-1-60724-291-8
La Religion a Rome sous les Sévères is a classic work on third century Roman religion, ranging from the stoicism of Marcus Aurelius to the syncretism of Severus. Reville's knowledge of religion in the late antique world is considerable, and his analysis draws together Eastern mystery cults, Baal worship, and Neopythagorean philosophy as well as classical pagan religion. Yielding lasting results, Reville's study will be welcomed by readers interested in the history of religions.
$160.00 (USD) $96.00 (USD)