Les Cahiers du Bosphore is a series published by The Isis Press, Istanbul. Gorgias Press is joining with Isis to make these titles readily available in the western hemisphere.
This anthology of excerpts from primary sources in Ottoman history is the first of its kind. It presents and comments a number of texts dating from the first two centuries of the Ottoman Empire.
This book analyzes the life and work of Sheikh Bedreddin of Samavna (1358/9-1416) and his influence on the development of mystical Islam in the Balkans as well as his political importance.
This book presents a history of Greco-Turkish relations which emphasizes the exchange between the two cultures starting from Byzantine times. It contests the common military approach to the history of these cultures and their relationship.
This doctoral dissertation explores the mythical position of Constantinople among Russian intellectuals in the nineteenth century. It shows the changing rationales given for the dream of conquest as well as its influence.
This memoir is one of only a handful written by Turkish Jews. It chronicles a childhood full of hardships as well as Jewish life in Istanbul in the first decades of the twentieth century.
This book is about the extraordinary lives and intellectual thoughts of three mystics of the 13th century, whose spiritual influence is still evident today.
This book follows a French officer through ten years of military service in Macedonia and Turkey from 1904 to 1914. It offers a detailed account of this eventful historical period from a military perspective.
The diary of Mme. A. Guéron who was the director of the Girls’ School of the Universal Jewish Organization (L’Alliance Israelite Universélle) at Andrinople (modern Edirne) during the First Balkan War of 1912–1913.
Actas de las I Jomadas de Historia organizadas porel Instituto Cervantes de Estambul en la Universidad del Bósforo los días 31 de octubre y 1 y 2 de noviembre de 2002
Actas del simposio organizado por el Instituto Cervantes de Estambul en colaboración con el Sentro de Investigasiones Sovre la Cultura Sefardi Otomana Turka los días 29 y 30 de abril de 2006
Djuneyd: Un personnage remuant de l'époque des Sultans Mehmed I et Mourad II Deux oracles concernant le règne de Michel VIII : Prédictions et prophéties vers la fin de l'Empire byzantin L'étendard de Mourad, conte historique Bayazid et Roxana, fiction historique Romain IV Diogène à Manzikert.