This collection of articles concentrates on the Karamanli people and the Karamanlidika Press of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It presents and discusses formerly unknown material from the Ottoman archives.
Publication Status:
In Print
Publication Date:
Feb 25,2011
Interior Color:
Trim Size:
6 x 9
Page Count:
$140.00 (USD)
Your price:
$84.00 (USD)
This collection of articles follows up two previous volumes of selected works by Ottoman historian Evangelia Balta published in the Analecta Isisiana series. The present volume first offers a revisit of her in-depth studies of the Karamanlis, the Turcophone Rum people native to Karamania, the wider Cappadocia region of Anatolia. The second part of the book presents selected articles discussing the Karamanlidika Press of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, covering both published and unpublished material in Turkish printed in Greek characters. The articles are based on painstaking research in the Ottoman archives and present formerly unknown material. One of the objectives of Balta’s research has been to illuminate the relationship between the Ottoman, Armeno-Turkish and Karamanlidika literatures by acquiring an overview of the publications available in all of these scripts and the translations from one script to another. As suggested by the title, through this work she seeks to go beyond the language frontiers in order to shed new light on Ottoman history. The articles are written in English and French.