A comprehensive history of the Latins of Asia Minor up to the present day also with discussions on various cultural and social issues such as “identity” and “nation”.
Publication Status:
In Print
Publication Date:
Feb 25,2011
Interior Color:
Trim Size:
6 x 9
Page Count:
Livio Missir de Lusignan is an Italian Levantine who was born in Izmir (ancient Smyrna) in western Turkey. In addition to his brilliant academic career including a doctorate in law, research in various universities and many publications, he became the cultural attaché of the Secretary of the European Union and published many books and essays on Levantines in the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey. In Familles Latines de l’Empire Ottoman he focuses on the Latin population of the Ottoman Empire and presents a comprehensive history of the Latins in Asia Minor up to the 21st century. He also discusses the concepts of “Latin identity” and “Latin nation” as well as various cultural and social issues in relation with the Ottoman Levantines.