This collection of papers describes the transition of the Ottoman Greek community into nation states (Greece and Cyprus). The author explores the relationship between the religious and the national in the Ottoman context.
Publication Status:
In Print
Publication Date:
Aug 11,2010
Interior Color:
Trim Size:
6 x 9
Page Count:
$140.00 (USD)
Your price:
$84.00 (USD)
The Passage from the Ottoman Empire to the Nation-States is a collection of articles by Sia Anagnostopoulou on the Greek experience of becoming an independent state. Anagnostopoulou characterises this process as a transition to modernity, meaning not that it was a transformation from a religiously-defined Greek community to a secularly-defined one. The relationship between religion and nationality in the Ottoman Empire was complex and Anagnostopoulou explores it for the Greek case. She also writes on how old Ottoman practices and institutions were adapted and transcribed into modernity. The processes that Anagnostopoulou describes occurred between the mid-nineteenth century (the Tanzimat period) and 1960, when Cyprus became an independent state. However, she looks back until the 16th century to see how institutions and terms related to nationality developed through to the 20th century. Anagnostopoulou’s works are important in developing our understanding of how nations emerged from and with their Ottoman past.